Once you have gone through a gamut of emotions; the insults, crying, screaming and the silent treatment subside and a new way of communicating is learned which is key to surviving the affair and rebuilding your marriage.
In this article you will learn steps in how to communicate with your partner and find out if it is necessary to ask for all the affair details. There is really only one reason you should find it necessary to talk about the affair details and that is if you feel you cannot heal and move forward without discussing it.
Here is a list of typical questions many women would like their husbands to answer;
-What did she have that I didn't?
-Where did you go and what did you do with her?
-Did you spend money on her or buy her gifts?
-What does she look like?
-Did you give her any details of me, the kids, or our marriage?
-Do you love her?
-Is she a better in bed that I am?
-How many times were you with her?
-Who broke off the relationship, you or her?
-Would you leave me for her if she wanted you to.
-What does she do?
-Is she married?
-Does she have any children?
-Where did you meet her?
-What did she offer you that I didn't?
These are questions you may also want answers to.
Initiating a conversation should only take place if you have given your own feelings consideration on the above issues. Surviving the affair, first and foremost involves you paying attention to your own needs and being compassionate to yourself.
Remember surviving the affair does require you to obtain enough information from your husband to reassure you he wants to save the marriage also. It's vital to communicate some of the details so he can reassure you he is being honest and loyal to you and only you. Keep in mind the colour of her hair, size of her breasts or any details of her personality are not going to leave you feeling reassured. In fact, the opposite might be true in resurfacing all your anger once again.
If you find it necessary to ask details of the affair, here are 6 guidelines which may be helpful.
1. If You Don't Have A Strong Desire To Ask- Don't
Do not convince yourself that you need to talk about the affair and get details when you don't truly feel you need to. Many times a friend or family member may prompt you to get more information from your spouse. If your feelings are not urging you to ask certain questions, do not ask!
2. Write Down Your Questions
If you have questions which have been on your mind; write them down. Write the questions down and hold on to them for a few days. This gives you time to consider whether you really want to know the answers to your questions. This may give you a better sense of which questions you would like to ask and how you might want to ask them.
3. You Should Initiate
You should be the one to initiate conversation and questions to your husband. In discussing the affair, your husbands needs matter little seeing as he has done you and the marriage harm. If he is in agreement to saving the marriage, although your line of questioning may be difficult, he will do his best to answer honestly and to the point.
4. Be Very Careful When Requesting Details
If you are asking the questions about the affair, remember to take some time and think about your questions. Counting on your husband's honesty in this situation is desired but you don't want to ask about details you really don't want to know.
5. This Is Your Husbands Chance For Honesty
Your husband must be open and honest for surviving the affair to work. If conversations are engaged in properly, it can be an opportunity for him to show that he has become truly transparent and honest.
6. Always Beware
Always beware, any questions involving comparisons such as sexuality, looks or personality will be very uncomfortable for your husband to answer and even more difficult for you to hear. Generally, questions of comparison do more harm than good. Once you hear the details, it may be something which will be very hard for you to process and live with, and you can never give it back.
Whenever you choose to talk about the details of your husband's infidelity, you are both risking a regression in your marriage. This will happen due to all the emotions you both have been trying to cope with. All the feelings tend to resurface when you discuss the affair. This is no reason to avoid the discussion and surviving the affair depends on expanding your communication. Rarely are these talks a smooth transition. It will be difficult, awkward, and bring up many underlying feelings.
Asking questions of the affair is necessary if you and your husband are both committed to surviving the affair and saving your marriage. You will most likely recoup quickly from the regression and slowly gain more strength and trust within your relationship as you move into the future. Many couples who have survived an affair now have a stronger more loving relationship than prior to the infidelity. With time, commitment and communication, this is possible for you and your husband too!
Denise A. Dilmore is the editor of www.howtosurviveanaffair.ca [http://howtosurviveanaffair.ca/articles/] an article based website exploring the healing process of surviving the affair.For more resources and effective ways to communicate your questions to your husband get our free 7-part program. Visit www.howtosurviveanaffair.ca [http://howtosurviveanaffair.ca/articles/free-resources/] for instant access to your Free Program Now.
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Denise_A._Dilmore/916135
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5846886
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